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Bulgaria - Culture Smart!

Bulgaria - Culture Smart!

Bulgaria, situated in southeastern Europe on the Black Sea, is one of Europe’s best-hidden secrets. ..


Cambodia - Culture Smart!

Cambodia - Culture Smart!

Say "Cambodia," and two associations often come to mind: the lost glories of Angkor, and the horrors..


Canada - Culture Smart!

Canada - Culture Smart!

Unsuspecting outsiders often assume that Canadians are just like their American neighbors, if perhap..


Chile - Culture Smart!

Chile - Culture Smart!

Chile is famous for its natural beauty—the breathtaking mountain views, inaccessible glaciers, an..


China - Culture Smart!

China - Culture Smart!

For thousands of years, the Chinese believed that they had created a perfect social system, base..


Colombia - Culture Smart!

Colombia - Culture Smart!

Culture Smart! Columbia will help you to understand the complex and often contradictory nature of t..


Costa Rica - Culture Smart!

Costa Rica - Culture Smart!

Costa Rica is renowned both for its tropical beauty and for the warmth of the “Ticos”—its people’s o..


Croatia - Culture Smart!

Croatia - Culture Smart!

In this small and beautiful country, sea and mountains are within easy reach, and there is a great d..


Cuba - Culture Smart!

Cuba - Culture Smart!

The largest island in the Caribbean, Cuba is an anomaly: a country that buzzes with Latin American l..


Cyprus - Culture Smart!

Cyprus - Culture Smart!

For much of its history, Cyprus was regarded as the Cinderella of empires—beautiful, abused, isolate..


Czech Republic - Culture Smart!

Czech Republic - Culture Smart!

The Czechs value knowledge and cultivation, as well as formality, and so can often come across as a ..


Denmark - Culture Smart!

Denmark - Culture Smart!

Culture Smart! Denmark introduces you to the Danish people and the values they hold dear. Mention D..


Dominican Republic - Culture Smart!

Dominican Republic - Culture Smart!

If you are looking for a country where everything works like clockwork, now might be a good time to ..


Ecuador - Culture Smart!

Ecuador - Culture Smart!

The people who inhabit the diverse landscapes of this beautiful land are proud, friendly, hospitable..


Egypt - Culture Smart!

Egypt - Culture Smart!

At first sight, modern-day Egypt is an unruly and chaotic place: a cacophony of sounds, an overload..


Showing 16 to 30 of 106 (8 Pages)