Asia and the Middle East

Afghanistan - Culture Smart!

Afghanistan - Culture Smart!

When describing the inexplicable attraction of this country, travelers often talk about the “Afghani..


Armenia - Culture Smart

Armenia - Culture Smart

Today’s Armenia, like that of the past, is a place of challenge and triumph. Still emerging from eco..


Azerbaijan - Culture Smart!

Azerbaijan - Culture Smart!

The historian Tadeusz Swietochowski calls Azerbaijan “the quintessential borderland, many times over..


Bangladesh - Culture Smart!

Bangladesh - Culture Smart!

Bangladesh is a young country with an ancient history. Situated on the lush, green and fertile land ..


Bhutan - Culture Smart!

Bhutan - Culture Smart!

The tiny Kingdom of Bhutan, at the eastern end of the Himalayas, nestles between the giant nation-s..


Cambodia - Culture Smart!

Cambodia - Culture Smart!

Say "Cambodia," and two associations often come to mind: the lost glories of Angkor, and the horrors..


China - Culture Smart!

China - Culture Smart!

For thousands of years, the Chinese believed that they had created a perfect social system, base..


Hong Kong - Culture Smart!

Hong Kong - Culture Smart!

Hong Kong is unique. Its geography and history have given it a surprisingly important role in the w..


India - Culture Smart!

India - Culture Smart!

India’s huge population of 1.2 billion is as varied and colorful as the spice markets of Old Delh..


Indonesia - Culture Smart!

Indonesia - Culture Smart!

Indonesia, stretching across three time zones and situated on one of the world’s great maritime ..


Iran - Culture Smart!

Iran - Culture Smart!

Iran—the very name shimmers with mystique and allure, but also a sense of inaccessibility and isola..


Israel - Culture Smart!

Israel - Culture Smart!

 Special edition to mark the 70th year of Israel’s independenceCulture Smart! Israel is a con..


Japan - Culture Smart!

Japan - Culture Smart!

The Japanese people have always seen themselves as a nation uniquely apart. Their exquisite art fo..


Kazakhstan - Culture Smart!

Kazakhstan - Culture Smart!

Kazakhstan, one of the largest countries in the world, was long hidden from the West—first under ..


Korea - Culture Smart!

Korea - Culture Smart!

Divided along the 38th parallel, modern Korea is the subject of two very different political, socia..


Showing 1 to 15 of 32 (3 Pages)